About Our School

School Life


  1. Class Schedule
  2. Yearly Schedule
  3. Student Voices
  4. School Uniform
  5. School Lunch
  6. Transportation

Class Schedule

We engage extensively in inquiry-based learning, with over 70% of classes conducted in English across all grade levels.

Example Class Schedule for Second Grade

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
English English English English English
Mathematics Religion Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics
Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese
Music Music Visual Arts Unit in Japanese Unit in Japanese
Unit Unit in Japanese Visual Arts Unit Mathematics
Library Unit P.E. P.E. Unit
Unit in Japanese
Extended Care
English Support Classes (3 times a week), Japanese Support Classes
  • Classes in English

    Classes in English


  • Classes in Japanese

    Classes in Japanese


  • Classes in English or Japanese

    Classes in English or Japanese

Example Unit of Study (Grade 2)

Who We Are
Hero can show us who we can be

  1. Heroes from different times and places
  2. Qualities of hero
  3. Heroes and their influence on us

In this unit, students research famous people from around the world and explore the heroes they choose. They develop understanding of their own strengths, identify areas for improvement, and create action plans to enhance their own abilities.

Yearly Schedule

  • Apr

    Entrance Ceremony
  • May

    Picnic DayParent-Teacher Conferences
  • Jun

    Sports Day
  • Jul

    Class Observation
  • Aug

    Summer VacationSummer Program
  • Oct

    Three-Way Conferences
  • Nov

    Culture Festival
  • Dec

    Christmas Play
  • Feb

    Student-Led Conferences
  • Mar

    ExhibitionGraduation Ceremony

* This yearly schedule is subject to change depending on circumstances.

Student Voices

We interviewed senior students and ask them what they like about our school

Voice of Student

Since I came to school, I have been using English more frequently in my daily life.
I love this school because it has many beautiful flowers and trees.
And also it is very clean and a big school.
The teachers in this school are very enthusiastic and good take care of us.
Classmate are all very nice.

School Uniform

The traditional sailor style from the Kyushu Women’s Academy era.
Shorts with light blue polo shirts for summer and navy blazers for winter.

All uniforms are made from easy-to-move materials that can be washed at home.


School Lunch

School lunches are prepared under the supervision of a nutritionist in the Kyushu Lutheran School’s cafeteria. Bringing lunch from home is also allowed.

Example Menu for a Day

Bread, Apple Jam, Chili Con Carne, Curry Croquette, Seaweed Salad



  • Students can be dropped off and picked up by their parents or use public transportation.
  • A school bus also operates on two routes for commuting to and from school.