About Our School

About Christian Education


We are loved by God, our Creator, and in turn,
we love God and value our neighbors.

Every morning, we begin our day with a religious service where we listen to Bible passages, sing hymns, and pray. These services are like mental exercises that help us reflect on God's word. Our daily learning at the school starts with this time of worship.
Once a week, we have a dedicated hour to study the Bible. The Bible contains stories that open our eyes to new insights. In fact, the phrase "scales fell from his eyes" comes from the Bible. Through these stories, we realize how much God loves the Earth and its people and never gives up on sinful humanity (the grace of Christ). This understanding fosters gratitude towards God and encourages joyful service to our neighbors, forming the core of our character education.
We believe that the attitude of maintaining these worship practices and becoming familiar with the Bible will guide individuals to seek truth based on God's love and Christ's grace, no matter what changes occur in the world or what crossroads they face in their lives.

Hitoshi Adachi
Kyushu Lutheran International School,
Primary Division